Full Paper Submissions
**Open for Late Submissions**
Following acceptance of an abstract, Full Papers are due by 31 July 2023 extended to 7 August 2023 30 September 2023.
Papers must be submitted using the MS-Word template (downloadable below), written in English and uploaded to the online portal (link below) in PDF format. Papers cannot exceed 12 pages in length and 8MB in size.
Full papers must be submitted by the same author who submitted the original abstract, with the same title and using the ID number provided in the abstract acceptance email. PDF files must be named with the ID number, followed by the submitting author last name (eg 12345-Smith).
At least one author is expected to present the paper in-person and be available for discussions at the Conference. In the same vein, inclusion of a paper in the electronic proceedings is subject to in-person presentation at the Conference.
If you require any assistance with your submission, please contact the Conference Manager at info@ictws2023.org.au.
Call for Abstracts
You are invited to submit an abstract for presentation at the ICTWS2023 Conference.
Abstracts should be a maximum of 400 words, summarising the content of the paper, highlighting its contribution to knowledge and nominating one of the below Conference topics.
Abstracts are due by the extended deadline of 7 May 2023, Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
Acceptances will issued by 15 May, with Final Papers due by 31 July 2023 extended to 7 August 2023.
Note: no more than 2 papers can be presented by the same registered participant.
Conference Topics
ICTWS2023 aims to provide a forum where researchers and designers join to present, discuss and disseminate the most recent theoretical, numerical and experimental advances in all areas related to thin-walled structures, including but not limited to:
Steel, stainless steel and aluminium structures
Fibre composite and other material structures
Members and connections
Plates and shells
Advanced analysis methods
Optimisation methods and applications
Impact and progressive collapse
Additive manufacturing (3D printing)
Deployable and inflatable structures
Machine learning in engineering design
The papers accepted for presentation by the ICTWS2023 Scientific Committee and presented at the Conference will be published in electronic proceedings. A special issue of Thin-Walled Structures will also be published featuring extended versions of selected papers presented at the Conference.
The language of the conference is English, both for the presentations and Conference Proceedings.